Five ‘Foreign’ Men Arrested In 1000kg Boat Drug Bust
Sihanoukville: Authorities of the Anti-Drug Department of the Ministry of Interior have arrested several men
(*update- at least one of the five was reported to be a Singaporean national) and seized more than a ton of drugs after a recent operation in the waters of Sihanoukville, according to the primary information source on the morning of January 24, 2024.
The drugs that were found on the boat are reported to be ketamine and methamphetamine.
Cooperation from relevant institutions, including the Anti-Drug Department of the Ministry of Interior, the Anti-Drug Office of the Sihanoukville Provincial Police and the Sihanoukville Provincial Gendarmerie. Operation of Border Guard Battalion 240, coordinated by Deputy Prosecutor Penh Piseth, led to the crackdown and the arrest of 5 people with
more than a ton of drugsat 2:00 AM On January 22, 2023, at Phum Sas, Kampenh Commune, Stung Hav District, Preah Sihanouk Province.
As the suspects were about to be brought ashore, the seized drugs were discovered- 25 sacks, equivalent to 1,082.5 kg. (1,021.2 kg without packaging) and some other materials.