Five Chinese Men Caught With 871kg Ketamine
Police from the Anti-Drug Department cracked down on cross-border drug trafficking, arrested five nationals and confiscated nearly 900 kilograms of drugs.
Special Forces (A5) of the Department of Anti-Drug Crime conducted the investigation for more than 3 months with the coordination of Mr. Sith Van: Deputy Prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court Phnom Penh.
On August 16, 2022, at 22:20, the specialized force of the Anti-Drug Department launched a crackdown operation, requesting the intervention of Preah Sihanouk Provincial Police and Water Border Police Force (Koh Preap), which joined the crackdown on 3 different targets in a row:
Target 1: At Group 11, Village 3 Sangkat 1, Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk Province, arrested 1 suspect, 1 truck, 1 boat and 44 bags of drugs (ketamine).
Target 2: At Group 2, Village 3, Sangkat 3, Sihanoukville, Preah Sihanouk Province, arrested 3 suspects and 2 motorcycles.
Target 3: At Koki village, Bit Trang commune, Prey Nob district, Preah Sihanouk province, arrested one suspect and one car.
A total of 5 suspects were detained 5 suspects: 1- TONG JIAN XIN, 71 years old, Chinese. 2-GAO ZHI BIN, 49 years old, Chinese. 3- LI YONG XIN, 48 years old, Chinese. 4- ZHONG JIAN LIN, Male, 36 years old, Chinese. 5- JAN XI TONG, 52 years old, Chinese.
Captured drug evidence: – KETAMINE weighing 871 kg, 200 g. – 1 vehicle – 1 boat – 1 car – 2 motorcycles.
Currently, the suspects and exhibits seized have sent to hand over to the Sihanoukville Police to build the case according to the procedure. ANTI-DRUG DEPT