Kampong Speu Province: Five Chinese nationals were arrested by police, after reports they were producing and distributing drugs at a location in amango plantation for many months.
The crackdown on the above drug production sites took place on the night of May 20, 2022 at Chamkar Svay in Sral village, Yeay Mao Pich Nil commune, Phnom Sruoch district, Kampong Speu province.
Authorities said they did not know the identities of the five Chinese suspects arrested.
Police said that prior to the crackdown on the drug production site, a joint team led by Major General Serey Bot Satya, Deputy Director of the Anti-Drug Department, with the coordination of Mr. Khay Samphors, Prosecutor. Deputy Governor of Kampong Speu Provincial Court and with the participation of Lt. Gen. Chhim Sith Bonrith Deputy Secretary General of the National Authority for Combating Drugs and other officials.
The police further stated that after cracking down on the drug production site, they confiscated the following exhibits:
1- Chemicals with a total weight of 60 kg
2- Chemicals with a total weight of 5280 kg.
After the inspection, the team closed all the rooms and handed over the warehouse to the Phnom Sruoch District Police Inspector for further investigation.