Pursat Province: Brigadier General Molida, Deputy Commissioner of pursat police said that an arrest has been made related to a murder case that was reported in 2021, at around 5:00 pm on on May 5, 2022 in Peal Nhek I village, Sangkat Phteah Prey, Pursat city.
According to the Deputy Commissioner, the arrest of Chreung Hun, male, born on May 12, 1985 in Po Sen Chey District, currently residing in Peal Nhek I Village, Sangkat Phteah Prey, Pursat City was made under Order Arrest No. 20 Ch.K.22, dated May 3, 2022, issued by Mr. Teng Ratana, Investigating Judge of Pursat Provincial Court.
The accused was wanted in connection with a gruesome murder committed in Room 6 in Yin Sin Thmey guesthouse, Sangkat Roleap. Pursat City, October 8, 2021.
In the incident a young woman was str6angled to death, the suspect then wrapped the body in blanket and put it on a motorbike, but was seen by the owner. The suspect dropped the body and escaped. MCPN