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Takhmao Woman Caught Passing Dodgy Dollars


Takhmao City: A woman was arrested after trying to pass counterfeit dollars. The arrest was made at around 7 pm on April 3, 2022 at Village 1, Sangkat Svay Rolum, Takhmao City, Kandal Province.

According to the local police, the arrested woman was named Lim Srey Pov, alias Net, 39 years old, residing in Prek Tapring village, Sitbo commune, Takhmao city, Kandal province. The victim, Mech Seiha, male, 19 years old, resides in Village No. 1, Sangkat Svay Rolum, Takhmao City, Kandal Province.

According to the police, after the arrest, the police found evidence including a motorcycle, counterfeit bills totaling $ 450 (9x $50), a mobile phone, and 15,800 riels.

Authorities confirmed that at the time of the incident, the suspect was riding a motorcycle alone, and gave a fake note to the victim. Seeing that the money was counterfeit, he reported it to the Svay Rolum police station to intervene, arrest and check in the motorcycle. KPT

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