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Archived News

The Parking Gallery


A (regularly*) updated column highlighting the perils of driving in Cambodia. Readers submissions encouraged.
*so regular we forgot all about it, what with pointing and meth art and divider super league and such other inane and vacuous nonsense.

No serious injuries were believed to have been sustained in the pictures shown.

Please note (to our knowledge), no deaths or serious injuries were reported from these incidents.

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Old school problems
Sihanoukville August 30, 2020
Battambang driving lesson
Honesty the lady driver, 38, simply walked away from this.

Parking the beer
Lowrider, PP style
Keep right
SHK reverse park fail
Stung Hav Chinese special
The big problem here? Lights on in the daytime.
You flooded the engine!
Tokyo drift, Wat Phnom
“Anywhere’ll do”
Brick in the wall
Another brick in the wall
ROAD not rod!
Barang pointing out the parking problem
Mind the gap
Overflow parking

A driver in Ratanakiri tries to camouflage his Camry

15 September, Sen Sok

From ‘James’

You’re not the Dukes of Hazzard, you’re rubbish!

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