Phnom Penh: Police in Mondulkiri province are investigating a brutal murder case, which left three family dead and others missing. The incident took place in a field near the village of Me Pai, Pou Chrey commune, Pichreada district, Mondulkiri province.
The murders happened on February 1, 2022 in a rice field in Me Pai village.
According to the police, the victims were: Moth Krak, male, 45 years old, an ethnic Pnong (died), Krak Ly, male, 15 years old, Pnong (died), Nuon Sam Ath, male, 15 years old (died). Krak Sly, male, 12 years old (survived) while Nich Srey, female, 41 years old and Krakny, male, 5 years old are both missing.
UPDATE: Other bodies were reportedly found nearby.
EDIT: Initial reports suggest that the 45 year old had been shot in the head, but this has not yet been confirmed.
At present, the bodies of the victims have been handed over to their relatives, and police are investigating the case.