Mondulkiri: Violence erupted in a karaoke shop called “Vong Pheak Theary” located in Sen Monorom city. Images of the incident were leaked after being taken from security cameras
Sources at the scene said that before the incident, a group of people known to them, including one named Nang, an ‘influential person’, sang and took four hostesses away, causing jealousy, leading to a heated dispute. Guns, knives, sticks, and axes were used, causing two karaoke women to be injured.
Sources said that it was not until January 22, 2022 that the parties involved in the dispute were called to solve the problem at the Mondulkiri Provincial Police, but the perpetrator named as Nang was not present- only one representative came to mediate. After agreeing to pay 30 million riel ($7500) for damages in the business, the police ended the case by letting the relevant people go home.
Regarding this issue, the owner of the karaoke shop “Vong Sopheak Theary” said the damage was paid for and the injured were hospitalized had also been taken care of finacially. ANN