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Wild Gored! Man Down As Trapped Boar Bites Back


Stung Treng Province: On the afternoon of December 16, 2021, a wild boar trapped by a hunter injured a man near Ke Dong village, which is located in Kaing Cham commune, Thala Borivat district, Stung Treng province. 

The wild pig was reportedly feigning sleep after being snared, but it saw people approaching, the boar arose and gored a man in his right thigh. He was rushed to the Stung Treng Provincial Hospital by villagers.

Kong Ry, head of the Prey Tamao community in Kaing Cham commune, Thala Borivat district, Stung Treng province, told reporters that the  wild boar had been trapped by an unidentified hunter before the incident. The injured man agreed to go with the hunter to kill the animal, but after being injured the hunter ran away, leaving the victim at the scene. NOKORWAT

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