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Archived News

UPDATE: Oral Drug Factory- Taiwanese Shot In Car Full Of Ketamine


Preah Sihanouk: According to a preliminary report, on December 12, 2021, the Anti-Narcotics Department cooperated with the police of Kampong Speu, Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk and Phnom Penh to launch a campaign to crack down on drug processing cases. The maufacturing of narcotics appears to be from a Kampong Speu based company named as Farm Asia.

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Updates to follow. THMEYLOAD

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The crackdown involved a shoot out on National Road 4, killing a man as drug traffickers were heading for Sihanoukville. Unofficial sources said that the Chinese nationals shot at the police on National Road 4 in Kampong Seila district. Sihanoukville and authorities returned fire, causing a suspected Chinese criminal to be shot dead on the spot and one arrested.

Later Report: During the crackdown, drug traffickers opened fire on police, sparking a gun battle that left one suspect dead on the spot and two others arrested.

1. Name: LEE TSUNG HAN, 32 years old, male, Chinese, Taiwan (died)

2: Name: LY POHAN, Male, 32 years old, Taiwanese (Drug Driver)

3-Name: LY POHAN, Male, 47, Male, Chinese, Taiwan (Chief of Drug Processing Facility).

At the same time, the police also confiscated some exhibits, including 74 bags of suspected ketamine (KE-TAMIN) powder in 20 bags, equal to 1480 kilograms and a K54 handgun, two cars and a large number of chemicals and drug processing equipment.



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