Preah Sihanouk: According to a preliminary report, on December 12, 2021, the Anti-Narcotics Department cooperated with the police of Kampong Speu, Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk and Phnom Penh to launch a campaign to crack down on drug processing cases. The maufacturing of narcotics appears to be from a Kampong Speu based company named as Farm Asia.
Early reports suggest that this is a mango processing factory located in Dambang Venh village, Sangke Satop commune, Oral district, Kampong Speu province. Drugs are apparently shipped out to Sihanoukville.
Unofficial sources said that the operation also lead to the shooting of a Chinese (Edit: Taiwanese) supect at a point on National Road 4 in Kampong Seila district, Preah Sihanouk province. EDIT: One man was shot dead and one was arrested with a car carrying more than 1,400 kilograms of ketamine processed in the Kampong Speu factory.
Updates to follow. THMEYLOAD
UPDATE: According to a follow up report, the Anti-Drug Police Department cooperated with the police force of Sihanoukville, Kampong Speu, Koh Kang and Phnom Penh and launched an operation to crack down on an unprecedented large-scale drug processing case in a mango factory in Dambang Venh village, Sangke Satop commune, Oral district, Kampong Speu province.
The crackdown involved a shoot out on National Road 4, killing a man as drug traffickers were heading for Sihanoukville. Unofficial sources said that the Chinese nationals shot at the police on National Road 4 in Kampong Seila district. Sihanoukville and authorities returned fire, causing a suspected Chinese criminal to be shot dead on the spot and one arrested.
Later Report: During the crackdown, drug traffickers opened fire on police, sparking a gun battle that left one suspect dead on the spot and two others arrested.
1. Name: LEE TSUNG HAN, 32 years old, male, Chinese, Taiwan (died)
2: Name: LY POHAN, Male, 32 years old, Taiwanese (Drug Driver)
3-Name: LY POHAN, Male, 47, Male, Chinese, Taiwan (Chief of Drug Processing Facility).
At the same time, the police also confiscated some exhibits, including 74 bags of suspected ketamine (KE-TAMIN) powder in 20 bags, equal to 1480 kilograms and a K54 handgun, two cars and a large number of chemicals and drug processing equipment.