Fowl Thief Goosed Again By Police
Kandal: An habitual animal thief was arrested on October 27, 2021 at 1:50 in Reang Dek 2 village, Koki Thom commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal province.
According to Kien Svay District Police, the victim was Ek Sokhoeun, a 48-year-old female farmer, residing in Reang Dek 2 Village, Koki Thom Commune, Kien Svay District, Kandal Province. The suspect was named as Thura (aka Kantheay), male, 22 years old, from the same village.
Police confirmed that the suspect rode his bicycle alone from his house to Reang Dek 2 village, Koki Thom commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal province. He used a mosquito net to steal a hen from the victim’s backyard. After stealing the chicken, the suspect put it in a blue sack and rode his bicycle back home.
After riding for about 300 meters, he saw four or five geese behind the fence of a plot of land. He put one into the sack with the chicken and rode home.
At 2:20 AM, the victim came to file a complaint. After receiving the complaint from the victim, the police force of Koki Thom police station arrived at the scene and arrested the suspect and brought him to the police station for questioning.
In front of the police, the suspect confessed that he really committed the above-mentioned theft and had stolen chickens and ducks from the people in Koki Thom commune many times, and had already been imprisoned once. The suspect, along with the evidence, was sent to the Kien Svay District Police Inspectorate to continue legal proceedings. KPT