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Archived News

Takeo Man Caught With Meth ‘Tea’


Kep Province: Officials from the Department of Anti-Drug Crimes (A4) cracked down on drug trafficking and arrested a Cambodian man, confiscating nearly 1 kg of drugs in Takeo Province.

The arrest took place on September 24, 2021 at 11:30 AM at the intersection of Street 3 in Kraing Tbal Village, Kraing Leav Commune, Bati District, Takeo Province, led by Mr. Kheng Sarath, Deputy Director of the Department and Chiv Chantara, Prosecutor of the Takeo Provincial Court.

Anti-drug officials said that the case of cracking down on drug trafficking resulted in the arrest of a suspect named Lin Toch, male, 47 years old. 854.36 grams of methamphetamine (ICE) wrapped up as Chinese tea was seized.

The suspect and evidence were sent to the Takeo Provincial Court to be processed. SRP

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