Siem Reap Province: A truck was stopped on the night of September 23, 2021 in Banteay Srei village, Khnar Sanday commune, Banteay Srei district, Siem Reap province, under the direct command of Mr. Tan Phannara, the Royal Government of Cambodia delegate in charge of the Director General of the General Department of Animal Health and Animal Production and with the coordination of the procedure from Mr. Meas Chanpiseth, Prosecutor of the Siem Reap Provincial Prosecutor’s Office.
According to the ministry, the white and blue HYUNDAI truck, a 20-ton (V1) truck with license plate number Kampong Cham 3A 7881, was carrying smuggled chicken products weighing 17,100 kilograms.
The official said that the evidence was kept at the Department of Animal Health and Animal Production to deal with legal procedures.
The chicken was transported from Thailand through O’Smach port, Sangkat O’Smach, Oddar Meanchey province, for distribution in Phnom Penh without any permit. SRP