Kampong Speu: Kong Pisey police said a man was detained by the police on the evening of September 15 in Kraing Khnong village, Srong Tam commune. The suspect, Long Bun Nath, was subject to an arrest warrant No. 2158, dated June 20, 2017 by Mr. Keo Sothea, Prosecutor of Kampong Speu Provincial Court, on charges of illegal possession or trafficking of drugs.
Another Arrest and Detention Order No. 372, dated 12 September 2017, was issued by Mr. HANG Sitha, Provincial Court Judge. Kampong Speu on charges of storing, transporting or trafficking and illegal use of drugs.
The suspect escaped from prison on the morning of June 20, 2017 and hid in Pailin province for many years. Later, he returned home and engaged back in drug trafficking activities. KOHSANTEPHEAP