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Flood Victim Deceased Identified As Indonesian


Sihanoukville: Authorities in Preah Sihanouk province today confirmed the identity of the victim who swept away during heavy rain on the night of August 24, 2021. It was initially reported that victim was Chinese, but it has now been discovered to be an Indonesian.

The victim was named as HENDRIK, 36 years old.

On the evening of August 24, 2021, residents reported that a man was swept into a canal near Don Bosco School. In Village 5, Sangkat 4, Sihanoukville, while the man was walking on the street.

After receiving this information, the authorities launched a search and rescue operation, but did not find the body until about 11 am on August 25, in Village 4, Sangkat 4, Sihanoukville. ANN

UPDATE: Later reports say that the deceased was a father of 3 and had lived in Sihanoukville for a number of years. He was reportedly a wealthy businessman who was involved in charitable causes.

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