Phnom Penh: At 11 am on August 24, a Chinese man died in Phnom Penh. Zou Mou, 27 years old, from Chongqing, China was taken to hospital as be was seriously ill at 12 noon on August 16, 2021. After medical examinations, he was diagnosed with severe malnutrition, incomplete intestinal obstruction, pulmonary infection, cardiopulmonary insufficiency (heart), sigmoid volvulus with incomplete obstruction (twisted colon), hypoproteinemia (low protein) with pleural fluid and ascites, intra-abdominal cavity lymph node enlargement and infection, electrolyte disorder and cerebral thrombosis with cerebral edema (swelling on the brain).
Due to the serious condition of the patient, who was suffering from respiratory failure, decreased blood oxygen saturation, decreased blood pressure, and coma symptoms, at about 10:20 am on August 24, 2021, the hospital performed resuscitation, but the patient died at 11 am.
The causes of death were: cerebral thrombosis, cerebral edema, severe pulmonary infection, and respiratory and circulatory failure.
It is understood that before this, Zou worked in an online investment company in Sihanoukville. In the last month, due to a sudden serious illness, his weight dropped from 70 kg to about 35 kg now, and was unable to work, so he was abandoned by the company.
The Internet investment company purchased a return ticket for him on August 18 and sent him to a hotel for isolation, but his physical condition was not suitable for the flight and the airline recommended that he recovered in hospital.

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