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Archived News

Unicity Again! 385 Arrested At Illegal ‘Training’ Conference


Takeo Province: Almost 400 people were detained at an illegal training course by the authorities.

385 men and women were detained by the authorities and doctors gave them all a test for COVID after they gathered to study the course without following the instructions of the Ministry of Health and local authorities.

According to the police, the arrests took place on the evening of August 15, 2021 at Borey Raksmey, Sangkat Roka Knoung, Daun Keo City, Takeo Province until late at night.

According to the police, the 385 men and women gathered to study ‘nutrition training’ with Unicity Cambodia without following the instructions of the Ministry of Health.

Daun Keo City Police Inspector Ind Mondul also confirmed that 58 people had been tested immediately, including 6 trainers. They had negative results and were sent to the provincial police commission for further questioning. The rest were placed in eight apartments in Borey Rasmei, the location of the nutrition company, to wait for a team of doctors to test them for COVID-19.

Staff of “Unicity” Cambodia Company were in the news recently after two staff were arrested in Kampong Speu province for conspiracy to persuade people to borrow money from the bank to buy their nutritional products in a pyramid scheme style set-up (*Multi-Level- Marketing). NKD

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