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Archived News

Siem Reap Reopen For Traffic- QR Scanning Continues


Siem Reap: Siem Reap Provincial Administration continues to set up primary health check-ups, extract information and scan QR-Codes to prevent COVID-19.

From August 16, 2021 onwards, at the border point of Siem Reap province locations, including:
Boundary of Chi Kreng District – Stong District of Kampong Cham Province

Boundary of Kralanh District – Preah Net Preah District of Kampong Cham Province.
Boundary of Srey Snam district – Chong Kal district of Oddar Meanchey province.

Currently, the Provincial Administrative Unity Command has decided to reopen to traffic to and from the province after the Royal Government’s decision to close the blockade of Siem Reap and the provinces bordering Thailand from 23:59 on August 12, 2021. 

However, all travelers in Siem Reap must not travel during the curfew from 9 pm to 3 am from 12 to 25 August 2021, except in some cases such as ambulances/medical transport.

For the convenience of travelers, the provincial administration has arranged for registration prior to arrival at checkpoints to save time. Register at

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