Immigration DG Discusses FPCS System In Zoom Meeting
Phnom Peh: General Kiet Chantharith, Director General of Immigration, chaired a meeting to review the results of the use of the Foreign Residence Management System in the Kingdom of Cambodia (FPCS) via Zoom Video on August 3, 2021,
After listening to the working group report on the progress of using the FPCS system and the challenges in the past, His Excellency the General Director also summarized and set out the following work directions as follows:
– The FPCS working group of the General Department need to prepare a clear work plan so that local officials have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities when visiting various locations, such as when to visit, which location to contact with the authorities, and when to report, which places must be properly inspected and reported to the management. Cases of officials visiting to ask for information and request documents beyond the necessary requirements and the deployment of too many forces will be discussed in the meeting next month, which will have the Deputy Commissioner for Immigration Planning in the provinces available to participate.
– Continue to monitor and find solutions to make the registration system more accurate, especially for locations with multiple owners, and to make sure that foreigners registered in the system are in that location. Officials must report on past work results accompanied by an instruction to the Ministry of Interior.
-Organize training courses for officers, so that they can better understand the use of FPCS system to easily manage data through the video zoom system so as not to hinder the work.
Finally, His Excellency the Director General noted that today’s meeting was able to add some input and acknowledge problems in order to find solutions, and in which he also encouraged the working group to continue to promote implementation so that the system can continue to get better. GDI