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Archived News

Dozens Of Workers Caught Trying To Cross Thai Border


Banteay Meanchey Province: On August 2, 2021, the intervention forces of the 807th Battalion and the forces at each checkpoint, in cooperation with the Armed Forces, patrolled the Cambodian-Thai border to find Cambodian workers returning in Thmar Puok district.

Coalition forces detained a total of 17 Cambodian workers at the first target at Ta Kling (Osay Post), including 5 females. The second target was Ko Chhlang (Kork Khvav checkpoint) where a total of 48 people, with 18 females and 3 children were stopped, and the third target was at Srah Teuk (Prasat Tbeng checkpoint) with a total of 15 people- 5 females and 3 children.

Authorities said that all the workers who were intended to cross the border back into Cambodia were stopped by Cambodian forces in Thai territory, with around 11 of the workers allowed to return back into Thailand, while some mothers and their children were detained. One woman with a young child had leg injuries and was sent her to Mongkul Borei District Hospital for treatment. The remaining workers are waiting for a Thai team to come and take them back into Thailand. PPR

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