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Archived News

109 New ‘Delta’ Variant Cases Discovered


Phnom Penh: The Ministry if Health says that health officials detected 109 new Delta variant cases in Cambodia on July 31 and August 1, 2021. The majority of cases were found on Cambodian migrant workers from Thailand.

Phnom Penh: 5 cases: a foreign traveler from Malaysia, one patient in Calmette hospital and another in Khmer-Soviet Friendship Hospital, along with a hospital cleaner and a migrant worker from Thailand. There were 4 locally transmitted Delta cases were detected in Oddar Meanchey, along with 9 health workers. There were a single case in both Kampong Cham and Kampong Thom. The remaining cases were workers returning from Thailand:

Oddar Meanchey Province (34 cases), Pailin Province (29 cases), Siem Reap Province (22 cases), Kampong Cham Province (2 cases), Banteay Meanchey Province (7 cases), Battambang (5 cases), Tbong Khmum Province (2 cases).

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