Kampong Speu: A reported suicide of a 12 year old is now being treated as a murder case. A Task Force has been established to investigate the death.
On the 29th of July 2021 at about 7.30pm in Bor Seth district, Kampong Speu Province, the parents of a 12 year old female returned home to find their daughter deceased from an apparent suicide.
Local police were called and attended the scene in conjunction with the Crime Scene Department from Kampong Speu Police Command. Several concerns were raised in regards to the position of the deceased and the cause of her death.
The CPU was contacted and a crime scene was established, secured and guarded. On the morning of the 30th of July 2021, the CPU Homicide Investigation Team and Forensic Services Unit attended the crime scene in conjunction with Kampong Speu Police Command and investigators conducted a forensic examination of the deceased and crime scene.
As a result of that investigation, a Joint task Force “HOTEL21” has been established to investigate the murder of the 12 year old child.
“It became apparent from evidence located at the crime scene and on the deceased that this was NOT a suicide, as a result, a Task Force has been established to investigate the circumstances of the murder of this child,” said James McCabe Director of Operations CPU. Updates to Follow