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Massive Meth & Ketamine Busts In Phnom Penh


Phnom Penh: According to the Department of Narcotics Suppression, Ministry of Interior, on July 20, 2021 at 10:35 AM, the competent force of the Department of Drug Crimes (A1) led by Lt. Gen. In Song, Deputy Director of the Department, and Lt. Col. Hong Vannarith, Director of the Office (A1), in cooperation with the Phnom Penh Municipal Police and coordinated by Mr. Sith Vannak, Deputy Prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Couurt led an operation against criminals trafficking in drugs at 4 different locations simultaneously:

1- In Sangkat Toul Sangke 1, Khan Russey Keo,

2- At a former factory on National Road 5 Toul Sangke 1, Khan Russey Keo,

3- A rented house on No. 1329, Street No. 103, Toul Thlan village, Sangkat Toul Sangke 2, Khan Russey Keo

4- A house in Kraing Thnong village, Sangkat Kraing Thnong, Khan Sar Sen Sok,

Police arrested two suspects, named as San Piseth, 37 years old, and Sok Pomlok, a 30-year-old

A total of 50 kilograms of drugs were seized, including 30 large packages of methamphetamine (ICE), and 20 large packages of ketamine.

Currently, the suspect and the above exhibits have built a case to be sent to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court according to the procedure. NKD

Yesterday CNE reported on another major bust which hasn’t hit the main news yet.

One thought on “Massive Meth & Ketamine Busts In Phnom Penh

  1. Time for the Philippino Model ! The Drug trade/use is getting out of hand and there is no way the government/society can avoid a catastrophy. Just look at Thailand and to a lesser extend Vietnam. Singapore is doing better cause the criminals get the terminal sentence and can’t do it again. Humanrightswatch will disagree with this but they sit in their protected glass towers and enjoy the view.

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