Battambang: On July 21, 2021, a named Phorn Chenda, male, 37 years old, from Toul Ta Ek village, Sangkat Toul Ta Ek, Battambang city, was found dead in the back of a tricycle tuk tuk. The deceased reportedly suffered from many physical diseases, such as liver cirrhosis and diabetes. Due to his serious illness on July 20, he relied on a Khmer doctor in Samlot district.
He was riding inside the PassApp and slept in the back. The driver spoke to him, but he did not respond, so the driver stopped the tricycle, only to find out that the victim was dead.
The victim died and was transported back to town, but not knowing his home address, the driver decided to transport the body to the parking lot in front of Battambang Provincial Referral Hospital on the evening of July 20, 2021, where he left it until the morning of the 21st.
Experts went to examine the body, andconfirmed that the victim really died of a serious illness and handed over the body to relatives for a traditional ceremony. AREY