Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Health issued the daily press release on the morning of 21 July 2021, confirming the discovery of 812 new positive cases of COVID-19 and 740 cases that were treated and the patients discharged. Another 19 deaths were reported.
At least 279 cases were reportedly imported, mostly from Thailand, with the other 533 linked to the post 20/2 local infections, which would bring the total to the latest outbreak to around 61,405 (with 279 imported- sources may vary slightly- another source changes wildly).
Provincial releases in past few hours (*unclear what days these have been counted as and are only added as a rough guide- due to the Ministry of Health no longer announcing the regional numbers- again, not adding up, unsure of what the ‘cut off point’ is for the releases):
Prey Veng: 107 cases, 45 treated, 2 deaths, Svay Rieng: 56 cases, 74 treated, 1 death, Oddar Meanchey: 165 (96 from Thailand, 51 from quarantine centers), Kampong Thom: 26 cases, 38 treated, 1 death, Preah Vihear: 19 cases, 22 treated, Koh Kong: 74 cases, 182 treated, Takeo: 106 cases, 54 treated, Kratie: 7 cases, 9 treated, Stung Treng: 0 cases, 54 treated, Battambang: 61 cases, 18 treated, 1 death, Siem Reap: 98 cases, 120 treated, 4 deaths,
This brings the total number of cases to around 69,608 cases with 61,779 cases treated. The death toll has risen to by another 19 to 1,168
So far 1.7% cases have resulted in deaths. Please note- these numbers may not be 100% accurate.
Charts from David “As 7 days ago was the 39 number (most ever), tomorrow the moving avg should fall significantly. With Delta successfully kept out so far and both cases and deaths trending down, the only #COVID19KH metric rising is daily vaccinations” Benaim