Koh Kong: According to the Koh Kong Provincial Police, on June 27, 2021, at 11:05 AM, a Cambodia beer truck suffered brake failure and overturned while the driver was speeding downhill on National Road No. 48 between km 129-130 at the point of Ta Tai slope in Anlong Vak village, Ta Tai Krom commune, Koh Kong district, Koh Kong province.
The truck, with license plate Phnom Penh 3E2747, and a trailer with license plate Phnom Penh 4A.5021, were heading from Phnom Penh to the provincial town of Koh Kong transporting Cambodia beer. The driver, Hem Ratana, male, 40 years old, resident of Meanchey District, Phnom Penh, suffered a broken left arm. The passenger, Suon Piseth, a 20-year-old male resident of Prey Chrov Village, Sambour Commune, Peam Chor District, Prey Veng Province, suffered a broken left leg. Both were taken by ambulance to Koh Kong Provincial Referral Hospital. POST NEWS