Sihanoukville: At 6 am on June 18, 2021, a traffic accident occurred between two trucks which collided head-on along National Road 4 between km 138-139 in Boeung Trach, Chamkar Luong commune, Kampong Seila district, Preah Sihanouk province. One driver died and was trapped in the cab and two others were seriously injured.
The accident occurred when a white and green HINO container truck with license plate Phnom Penh 3A-2887 collided with a white container truck Freightliner with license plate Sihanoukville 3A-1427 driving in the opposite direction. The driver of Freightliner fled the scene. The other driver, Ly Ravi, a 33-year-old male resident of Chiro Commune, Tbong Khmum District, Tbong Khmum Province, died at the scene, and two passengers in the HINO were injured:
1. A 35-year-old woman who was the wife of the driver.
2. El Sok Heng, male, 16 years old, resident of Prey Veng Province. After the incident, the two injured were taken to Sre Ambel District Referral Hospital for treatment.
After the incident, the Armed Forces of Security Headquarters 402 in cooperation with the Police Inspectorate of Kampong Seila District intervened to organize traffic, and continue to deal with the legal procedures. POST NEWS