Mohawked Money Lender Slashes No Paying Debtors

Kandal Province: A married couple named Choy Chhay Lim, male, 38 years old, and Samreth Chan, female, 36 years old residing in Koki Thom 2 village, Koki Thom commune, Kien Svay district, Kandal province were stabbed over a debt.

On June 13, 2021, the suspect who was named as Bin Thida, male, 27 years old, living in the same village, took his wife Nou Chanthorn, a 48-year-old Cambodian woman from the same commune to go to the village to collect money owed by the victims. The couple replied that they had no money, and were waiting for June 25, 2021 to pay it back.

Immediately, Bin Thida called Choy Chhay Lim, to come closer to him and then pulled out a paring knife from his backpack and cut the victim in the middle of his head. He required 4 stitches. Samreth Chan, the victim’s wife, was then cut on the back of her head, the wound requiring 7 stitches. The suspect then fled.

The two victimsare being treated for injuries at the health center in Koki Thom commune.

At 4:20 pm on June 14, 2021, the Kien Svay District Judicial Police Force, in cooperation with the Koki Thom Administrative Police Station, arrested Bin Thida, who confessed. He was sent to the Kien Svay District Police Inspectorate for further investigation. AREY

EDIT:  On the morning of June 14, it was reported that the case stemmed from a debt owed to Bin Thida and his wife Nou Chan. Thorn is a known loan shark, who lends hundreds of dollars to people everywhere. The injured couple took 8 million riels (around $2000) from the suspect’s family in 2016.

The victims said that they used to pay 10,000 riel per day for the first 3 years, but due to financial difficulties, he begged the creditor (wife of the suspect) to pay 100,000 per month.  Later, they agreed to pay on the 10th day of each month, and they did not dare to avoid because any debtor who does not pay regularly, will be shouted at and insulted by the wife, while her husband threatens to hit and kill the debtor. Because of COVID-19 affecting them, they asked to delay payment until the 25th.

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