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Archived News

Thieves Posing As COVID Patients Caught Stealing Phones


Phnom Penh: On June 13, 2021 at Kovid-19 Sen Sok 1 Medical Center a male and female suspect were arrested by the police after they disguised themselves as COVID-19 patients and stole around 10 mobile phones and more than 1 million riels.

Sources from the medical team said that at the COVID-19 Sen Sok 1 Medical Center, the couple were pretending to be COVID patients who stole the phones and cash from those being treated for the virus.

The team of doctors of the Union of Physicians of the CPPCC Cooperate with the police to catch the two thieves (*unidentified) and tested them to confirm that they were both “negative” and sent them to the police to do quarantine before taking further legal action. AREY

*CNE did not independently write this article, it was a translation from the given source. For any queries- please contact [email protected]

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