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Archived News

Kep Billboards To Be Removed, Replaced With Educational Signs


Kep: The Provincial Administration has announced that all companies or advertising businesses should remove banners or billboards with all kinds of promotional content, replacing them with educational content related to the measures of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

This decision shall be implemented from the date of this notification, and those affected have until June 9, 2021 to remove the advertisements. In case of non-compliance with this notification, the provincial administration will take action according to the administrative procedures and dismantle all offending property at the owner’s expense, and the provincial administration will not be responsible for any damage caused during the process.

One thought on “Kep Billboards To Be Removed, Replaced With Educational Signs

  1. I love Cambodia. They don’t f… around much, Do it or else ! Often this is the only way to handle the ignorants. Perhaps the next step is to stop selling cigarettes and plastic bottled drinks. One step at a time.

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