Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Health issued the daily press release on the morning of 23 May 2021, confirming the discovery of 560 new positive cases of COVID-19 and 537 cases that were treated and the patients discharged. There have been 9 more deaths reported.
At least 15 cases were imported (EDIT: now looks like 20), with the others linked to the post 20/2 local infections, which would bring the total to the latest outbreak to around 24,520 (with 20 imported- sources vary slightly).
Provincial releases in past few hours (*unclear what days these have been counted as and are only added as a rough guide- due to the Ministry of Health no longer announcing the regional numbers- *they don’t add up):
Kampong Thom: 22 (17 from Thailand), Prey Veng: 11, Koh Kong: 1 (edit+22), Battambang: 5 (3 from Thailand), Kampong Cham: 50, Siam Reap: 6 (EDIT:3), Svay Rieng: 99 (EDIT: 103), Takeo: 48, Phnom Penh: 250, Kampong Chhnang: 86, Banteay Meanchey: 30, Siem Reap: 3, Kampong Thom:16, Sihanoukville: 39 – updated when they are announced
This brings the total number of cases to around 25,205 cases with 17,701 cases treated. The death toll has risen 176. Please note- these numbers may not be 100% accurate.
SOURCE: MoH, Cambodia CDC’s Facebook Page, provincial releases and analysis by David Benaim of Xlconsulting
– 560 new #COVID19 cases today, it’s rising again unfortunately
– PP rises too to 250,
– SKV is lower today at 39 only
– Two of the 5 major outbreaks (the two that had not reported cases for a while have today reported quite a few again. Bavet in Svay Rieng (a factory outbreak) and Chrey Thom in Kandal related to yet again a casino outbreak
– Kampong Cham & Takeo both report around 50 cases, still related to factories
– 4.1k tests is low, but we may see a one-off spike in test numbers, as they seem to batch release a large number once per week or so
– Positive rate is rising again
– 9 new deaths is 2nd highest ever reported in 1 day
– 537 recoveries is the first time in 9 days that new cases are higher than recoveries
– Vaccine stats were given in a different post today, showcases how PP is one of the world’s most vaccinated capital cities (I worked hard on that one!)- David Benaim