Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Health issued the daily press release on the morning of 14 May 2021, confirming the discovery of 358 new positive cases of COVID-19 and 348 cases that were treated and the patients discharged.
It is not yet clear whether any cases were imported (EDIT: at least 5) and how many were linked to the post 20/2 local infections, which would bring the total to the latest outbreak to around 20,894 (with 5 imported- sources vary slightly).
Provincial releases in past few hours (*unclear what days these have been counted as and are only added as a rough guide- due to the Ministry of Health no longer announcing the regional numbers):
Battambang: 5 (imported from Thailand), Kampong Chhnang: 12, Kamong Cham: 6, Kampong Thom: 6, Takeo: 50, Sihanoukville: 44, Svay Rieng: 2, Phnom Penh: 175, Kampong Speu:8, Thbong Khmum: 3, Kampot:1 (Updates to follow)
This brings the total number of cases to around 21,499 cases, with 9,867 treated. The death toll has now risen by another 5 to 147. Please note- these numbers may not be 100% accurate.
SOURCE: MoH, Cambodia CDC’s Facebook Page, provincial releases and analysis by David Benaim of Xlconsulting