Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Health issued the daily press release on the morning of 9 May 2021, confirming the discovery of 520 new positive cases of COVID-19 and 301 cases that were treated and the patients discharged.
Of the new cases, 515 were linked to the post 20/2 local infections- and 5 imported (from Thailand) which would bring the total to the latest outbreak to around 18,676 (sources vary slightly).
Although the Ministry of Health has stopped giving detailed information on the case numbers by location, individual provinces have announced some numbers- note these may not be totally accurate.
Sihanoukville: 126 (including over 30 cases in the prsion), Kampot: 6, Prey Veng: 6, Takeo: 7 (later reports say 13), Pailin: 1, Oddar Meanchey: 2 (imported from Thailand), Svay Rieng: 4, Battambang: 2 (imported from Thailand), Kampong Speu: 11, Siem Reap: 4, Poipet (Banteay Meanchey): 85, Phnom Penh: 218
This brings the total number of cases to around 19,237 cases, with 7,641 treated. The death toll has now risen to 120.
