Kampot: A Brazilian woman was found lying on the street and died at the hospital on the night of April 27. 2021. She was discovered on National Road 3 in Ta Deb village, Sangkat Andong Khmer, Kampot city.
According to Kampot traffic police, the victim, NATALIA MONTONI, was born in 1988 (aged 32). At 7:30 pm on April 27, passengers reported seeing a foreign woman lying on the national road, police said. Next to the victim sleeping, they found a motorcycle with a trail dragged between the milestones 151-152, and blood on the road. Immediately, the police arrived at the destination and rushed the victim to the hospital, but unfortunately the woman died due to serious injuries.
Authorities speculated that the crash may have been caused by a car traveling in the same direction from south to north. After the incident, the authorities began a search for the car to prosecute the driver. NKD

Hi, I’m Natalia’ s aunt and I would like to contact Jonny Bobby who wrote this article. Could you please contact me as soon as possible. I have some questions for you about your article and the accident. Thanks!
Ms. Montoni,
Firstly, I’m sorry for the loss of your niece. Did they ever catch the hit and run driver? There was a simular incident August 9, 2021 to Freya Melissa Partanen, 23,(Finnish girl) lived in Prey Tnaot, Kampong Kreng Commune, Teuk Chhou District, Kampot Province.