Local COVID Outbreak Tops 10,000 Cases
Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Health issued the daily press release on the afternoon of 26 April 2021, confirming the discovery of 580 new cases of COVID-19. 177 cases were treated and the patients discharged.
Of the new cases, 579 were linked to what is still known as the Feb. 20 community outbreak and 1 was an imported case on a worker returning from Thailand. This brings the total from the local outbreak to around 10,005 (sources vary slightly).
There were 337 cases in Phnom Penh, 1 in Kep, 1 in Kampong Chhnang, 1 in Kampong Speu, 2 in Kampong Thom, 2 in Prey Veng, 1 in Svay Rieng, 1 in Tbong Khmum, 91 in Banteay Meanchey, 91 in Sihanoukville and 51 in Kandal. (EDITED)
A total of 10,555 cases have been confirmed in Cambodia, with 3,577 cases treated, and 79 deaths have been reported.
SOURCE: MoH, Cambodia CDC’s Facebook Page and analysis by David Benaim of Xlconsulting