Photos From Siem Reap Development

Siem Reap is a hive of construction activity as the race to complete new infrastructure continues at a pace. Our very own correspondent in Temple Town, known as BB, has sent the following snaps from his jaunts to keep everyone elsewhere updated.

Hopefully the inconvenience will be worth it sooner rather than later.

If you want to share any pics to this gallery, get in touch by the usual means.

UPDATED April 27, 2019: After seeing the original (amateur) shots, pro photographer Laurent Dambies got in touch and kindly agreed to share some of his many images of the current development going on in Temple Town. He can be contacted at: [email protected]

UPDATED April 27, 2021. Photos of Pub Street and Central Market

2 thoughts on “Photos From Siem Reap Development

  • April 5, 2021 at 8:58 pm

    Shame your correspondent showed some much negativity. How about all the good stuff. Good roads completed, storm water in place etc.

    So easy to be negative!!

    • April 6, 2021 at 6:37 am

      can you send some photos of these?


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