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Drugs & RCAF Plated BMW Seized After Couple’s Arrest


Takeo Province: After arresting a suspect with more than 5 kg of drug suspects recently, Takeo Provincial Gendarmerie has expanded its jurisdiction into Phnom Penh in cooperation with the Phnom Penh Military Police under the coordination of Mr. Chiv Chandara, Prosecutor of Takeo Provincial Court and Mr. Plang Sophal, Deputy Prosecutor of Phnom Penh Municipal Court.

The investigation saw the arrest of two more suspects on the afternoon of March 26, 2021.

The two suspects were Long Savuth, a 34-year-old male, detained on Street 182, Sangkat Phsar Depot 1, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, and Long Sokna, a 31-year-old female, arrested on Street 166 near Orussey Market, Sangkat Orussey I, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh.

After the arrest, the joint special forces took the two suspects to search house No. 148, Street 122, Village 11, Sangkat Toek Laak I, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, and confiscated items, including green pills suspected to be drugs and packs powder, suspected to be drugs, 2 motorcycles, 1 white BMW car license plate RCAF 02: 4750, as well as some equipment and bags for drug packaging. KPT

*CNE did not independently write this article, it was a translation from the given source. For any queries- please contact [email protected]

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