Phnom Penh: According to Lt. Gen. Chiv Phally, Director of the Department of Anti-Human Trafficking and Protection of Minors, on March 24, 2021, the specialized police force secured the return of three women who were taken to China by fraudulent brokers on March 23, 2021 at 11:15 pm on flight number MU759 to Phnom Penh International Airport.
Lt. Gen. Chiv Phally said that the three young women were from Tbong Khmum province. They are currently being quarantined for 14 days at Pochentong High School, Phnom Penh.
On December 21, 2020, the owner of the Facebook account, Ny Ka Met Ma, sent a message to the website inbox of the website of the Quick Reaction Team of the General Commission of the National Police, requesting the authorities to help.
Lt. Gen. Chiv Phally further stated that after receiving the order, he coordinated with the victim’s uncle to file a complaint at the Ministry of Interior so that the authorities could apply the principles, skills and procedures. Experts also contacted the victims in China via Facebook Messenger for details on setting a rescue.
On December 22, 2020, the Department’s forces collected all the information from the victims and sent it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and continued to work with the Cambodian Embassy and Consulate General in China to do more research and cooperation.
Under the good cooperation between the Chinese authorities and the relevant Cambodian authorities, the search ended in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China, and efforts were made to send the victims back to Cambodia.
He added that the families of the victims should be tolerant of the delay in their return to Cambodia, as this was due to the need to carry out procedures and quarantine rules in China as well.
Lt. Gen. Chiv Phally added that according to the research of the authorities and competent experts, a total of 4 Cambodian women victims were rescued in the above operation, but only 3 were able to complete the repatriation form to Cambodia, as a 16-year-old girl was about eight months pregnant, and could not fly back.
At the same time, Lt. Gen. Chiv Phally emphasized that in connection with the case of illegal human trafficking to China, the police arrested a 36-year-old female broker named Sreng Set, living in Chheuteal Chrum village, commune. Kork Srok, Tambe district, Tbong Khmum province, who brought one of the victims to China, forcing her to marry against her will. The accused was ordered by the Tbong Khmum Provincial Court to be detained at the provincial prison.
In addition, Lt. Gen. Chiv Phally emphasized that on behalf of the leadership of the National Police and on behalf of the Department of Specialization, his deepest gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Cambodia in the Republic of Cambodia. “The Chinese people, as well as the Chinese authorities, have always been attentive and supportive in resolving all requests of the Department for their continued success, and in particular, thank you to the public, journalists, and social media for their constant contribution to security, public order, and safety (to) society as well as contributing to the search for social justice.” NKD

*CNE did not independently write this article, it was a translation from the given source. For any queries- please contact [email protected]