Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Health issued the daily press release on the morning of 24 March 2021, confirming the discovery of 29 new cases of COVID-19. 34 cases were treated and the patients discharged.
Of the new cases, 27 were linked to Feb. 20 community event, with 2 imported from abroad. This brings the total from the local outbreak to around 1293 (sources vary). Another death was reported yesterday raising the total to 5.
Of the local transmission cases there were 4 Chinese, 20 Cambodians, 2 Americans and 1 Nigerian. The imported cases weretravelers from Indonesia and the Philippines who arrived in Cambodia on March 22, 2021.
Tbong Khmum is the 12th province to report a case related to the Feb. 20 outbreak.
Phnom Penh: 22 cases ( 18 Cambodian, 2 Americans, 1 Chinese & 1 Nigerian), Koh Kong: 3 (3 Chinese) Tbong Khmum: 1 (Cambodian), Kandal: (1 Cambodian- address in Kandal but receiving treatment in Prey Veng).
Of the 34 patients discharged, there was a 28-year-old Indonesian woman who traveled from Indonesia to Cambodia on February 23, 2021, and 33 were infected in the Feb. 20 outbreak; 11 Chinese, 19 Cambodians, 2 Vietnamese and 1 Korean.
1,817 cases have been detected in total, 1,033 have been treated and 777 are currently being treated.

UPDATES & graphics to follow.
SOURCE: MoH, Cambodia CDC’s Facebook Page and analysis by David Benaim of Xlconsulting