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Archived News

Kirivong Ganja Farm Razed


On March 17, the Kirivong District Inspectorate, in cooperation with commune administrative police forces, went up a mountain to search for, cut and burn marijuana plants that were illegally planted in 8 locations, along with 1 reservoir at the western ridge of Phnom Dop, near Bayongkor Temple located in Preah Bat Choan Chum Commune, Kirivong District. The plantation had an area of ​​approximately 975 square meters.

In the past, the authorities have cut down and destroyed countless marijuana sites in ‘the Green Triangle‘ and arrested many growers, but the green-fingered criminals are still persisting in their illicit horticulture.

The crops were burned and destroyed by the forces, and they are now searching for growers to bring them to justice. SOURCE: KPT

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