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Roadside Health Checks Rd 6, Kampong Thom & Siem Reap


Siem Reap Province: Siem Reap provincial authorities announced earlier that the Siem Reap Provincial Administrative Unity Command had set up a health checkpoint at the border of Siem Reap and Kampong Thom provinces.

Provincial authorities said that so far, the COVID situation is spreading in the community in Phnom Penh and some provinces, and the Royal Government has stepped up to take more advanced measures.

At the same time, Mr. Tea Seiha, Governor and Chairman of the Siem Reap Provincial Administrative Unity Command, and the Working Group on Research and Monitoring of Suspected People with Kovid-19 Disease in Siem Reap Province, decided to launch health monitoring measures at the border of Chi Kreng District, Siem Reap Province and Stong district, Kampong Thom province. Freight and people can pass through normally without any restrictions, just with a health check.

Therefore, from March 9, 2021, the team also conducted a preliminary health check and statistics at this border point to facilitate management and recommended the implementation of QR Code Stop COVID-19 “Prevention of Disease”.

Therefore, please travel through this point, please follow the instructions of the team stationed there. SRP

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