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Archived News

BMW Driver Forgives Careless Moto Rider


Phnom Penh: A young man driving a BMW car went through a traffic light when a Today motorcycle driving in the opposite direction, turned left and crossed the road carelessly, hitting the BMW car from behind, causing a woman to fall and injure herself.

The incident happened at 11 pm on March 3, 2021 along the Russian Federation Road at the Wat Neak Voan traffic light, Sangkat Phsar Depot 3, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh.

The owner of the orange BMWZ4 with license plate Phnom Penh 2AI-3355 said that before the incident, he was driving along Russian Federation Boulevard from east to west near the scene. He went through a green light when the Today motorcycle riding with three people, two men and a woman, traveling in the opposite direction turned left in front of his right of way.

The car stopped and helped the victim (a woman who hurt her leg) . An ambulance from a private maternity clinic came to rescue the victim immediately.

After the incident, the motorcycle party admitted that it was wrong and asked for forgiveness from the car owner, while the car owner also understood and did not demand any compensation, and also helped pay for the victim’s medical treatment to end the story. POST NEWS

*CNE did not independently write this article, it was a translation from the given source. For any queries- please contact [email protected]

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