Preah Sihanouk: Preah Sihanouk Provincial Police Commissioner, Major General Chuon Narin, said on the afternoon of February 27, 2021, that a Chinese man was arrested by the Sihanoukville Provincial Police for illegally possessing and using a firearm after receiving reports from residents. Police were told he had a gun in his hand and was driving a car around Otres 2, Sangkat 4, Sihanoukville.
After that, the specialized force searched until noon on February 26, 2021, a few hours after the reports. They arrested the suspect and continued to search until they found a RETAY X Pro handgun (*a blank firing pistol) with ID number 180904053 and 4 round that the suspect hid in a flower pot in a guesthouse, while the suspect threw the gun away before the police arrested him.
The arrested suspect was named as XIAO DI KUN, 30 years old. The suspect was sent to the Preah Sihanouk Provincial Court for legal action. AREY
*Note it is unclear whether the pistol had been converted to fire live rounds.

*CNE did not independently write this article, it was a translation from the given source. For any queries- please contact [email protected]