Phnom Penh: On the evening of January 31, 2021, Cambodia sent 184 Blue Helmet engineers, including 30 women, to the United Nations Mission in the Republic of Lebanon to replace the old forces on the peacekeeping mission.
This is the 11th time that Cambodia will send forces to the Republic of Lebanon on UN peacekeeping duty. The Cambodian Blue Helmet Force went out to replace the old force, which ended the one-year mission and will return to Cambodia on February 2, 2011.
Since 2006, Cambodia has sent a total of more than 7,300 troops, including more than 450 women, to UN missions. Currently, Cambodia has nearly 1,000 troops serving in five countries; Sudan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Lebanon and Mali.
EDIT: FRESH NEWS later put the number at 92 Cambodian multidisciplinary engineers, including 15 women. This was confirmed by a senior Cambodian military official. *Probably a translation error, or previous source used old data (Possibly included the 92 still in Lebanon)
The 928th Special Engineering Corps of the National Center for Peacekeeping and Mine Action and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (Blue Helmet Soldiers) left Phnom Penh International Airport at 06:25 on UN flight ET8801.