Hours After Police Warning, Man Threatens Schoolgirl
Kandal Province: A suspect saw a schoolgirl on a bicycle returning from school, and threw a machete at her, but fortunately missed. The suspect then shouted and threatened to burn the victim’s house down. The frightened girl told her parents to complain to the authorities to make an arrest after the incident on January 21, 2021 at 13:00 in O’Romchek village, Svay Proteal commune, Saang district, Kandal province.
Police District officials said the girl, a 15-year-old Cambodian student, lives in Chek Village Khum Svay District, Kandal Province. The suspects named Thorn, a 31-year-old man, is from O’Romchek village, Svay Proteal commune, Saang district, Kandal province.
The source said the suspect is always drinking and screaming, causing disruption to family and neighbors.
On January 21, 2021, at about 11:00 AM, the suspect drank alcohol and used a machete to cut his mother’s bed and smashed a TV, and even shouted and threatened his mother- which caused her to be very scared. After receiving the above information, the police arrested the suspect and brought him to the police station, and the mother requested the police to make an education contract with suspect.
After the police educated the suspect he returned home, he did not respect and follow his contract made in front of the police, and continued drinking, shouting and throwing things about.
By 13:00 on the same day, the young girl returned from school as usual, past the family home of the suspect- with whom the victim’s family had a previous dispute While the victim was riding past, the suspect grabbed her and threw the weapon at the victim, but it hit the walland did not injure the victim.
He then threatened to set fire to the victim’s house, causing the victim to panic and tell her father everything. When the victim’s father found out about the incident, he immediately filed a complaint at the Svay Borteal Administrative Police Station to intervene.
Immediately after receiving the complaint, the police force of Svay Proteal police arrived at the scene and confiscated the evidence and took the suspect to the district police inspectorate to build a case file. NKD