Prince Norodom Yuvneath Passes Away In The USA

Phnom Penh: His Majesty Prince Norodom Yuvaneath, the personal adviser to his half-brother the King and the eldest son of His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk, died at the age of 77 in the United States.

Born on October 17, 1943, Prince Norodom Yuvaneath was the eldest son of King Norodom Sihanouk, and his mother was Princess Sisowath Pongsanmony. He married twice and had four children.

During the 1970 coup, he fled to China, where he remained until 1975. From 1975 to 1980 he moved to Hong Kong and then to the United States. In 1993, he returned to Cambodia. On December 31 1993, Prince Yuvaneath was given the rank of Sdech Krom Luon, appointing him Privy Counsellor to His Majesty the King, a rank equal to that of Deputy Prime Minister. After King Sihanouk abdicated, the new king Sihamoni, Yuvaneath’s younger half-brother, appointed Prince Yuvaneath the Supreme Royal Advisor.


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