Ratanakiri: According to preliminary information from the police, the gunman who shot and killed police deputy chief Reth Sineth, 40, after a traffic accident on December 30, had fled to Lumphat district, Ratanakkiri province, after escaping from Koh Nhek district, Mondulkiri last night.
Mondulkiri province authorities confirmed at 9:50 pm on January 4, the suspect drove a car to Stung Treng, Ratanakiri and came to Mondulkiri. At around 8 pm, the suspect was stopped by a roadblock in Koh Nhek district. He then fled on foot into forest. It was later reported his wife and child were in the vehicle and taken away by police.
Sources from the authorities in Lumphat district said that on the morning of January 5, 2021, the suspect drove in a coconut truck into Lumphat district on a dirt road to Bor Keo district, but jumped out in the middle of the road at Seda commune, Lumphat district, Ratanakkiri province.
Authorities in the two districts are hunting, but reports from 4 pm said authorities have not caught the man yet. KPT