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Archived News

Indian Curb Crawler Loses $300 & Phone To Wat Phnom Lady


Phnom Penh: An Indian man claimed he found a sex worker around Wat Phnom to sleep with, and was relieved of $ 300 and a mobile phone at 11.15 minutes on the night of January 3, 2021along Street 13 in Wat Phnom, Daun Penh Phnom Penh.

According to a source, before the incident, he was riding a Honda Dream and arrived at the roundabout Wat Phnom, met a woman and asked her to go with him. Suddenly the sex worker stole a mobile phone and $ 300 disappeared.

According to the same source, the man speaks a little Khmer and shouted for help, but no one helped him. Luckily he did not lose his motorcycle as well.

After the incident, the Indian man did not want to appear in the press, so he decided not to file a complaint and rode his motorcycle away (*but judging by the crowds with camera phones, his secret may not last long) . MCPN

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