Kampong Speu Province: Following the instructions of the Ministry of Health and the Provincial Unity Command, the police inspected the location of the Master Club, which was open in contrary to the regulations of the Ministry of Health. 42 people were found inside drinking and dancing.
According to the authorities, the Anti-Drug Bureau, in cooperation with the Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Bureau and Chbar Morn City Police Inspectorate inspected the Master Club in Sangkat Rokar Thom, Chbar Morn City on December 27, 2020 at 10:45 p.m.
According to the report, the owner of the club is Han Leang Heng, a 40-year-old man from the same sangkat.
42 people, including 16 women were inside and given a urine test for drugs use and found 11 positive results, (5 females).
Those who tested for drug use have been educated, instructed, contracted and handed over to parents or guardians to be sent to drug addiction correctional education centers.
Authorities and local authorities request that business owners who do not comply with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health should stop doing business during the COVID-19 crisis. NKD
*This is not the first time that the same club has been visited in an anti-drug operation. In December 2019, 164 people (62 women) who were taken for urine tests, 30 (7 women) showed evidence of drug use and were arrested.