Mondulkiri: The authority of Sen Monorom Municipality has announced the suspension of Relax Hill Resort business in O Spean Village, Sangkat Spean Meanchey, Sen Monorom Municipality, Mondulkiri Province.
The reason given is that on December 2, a guest named Ith Komal, a 35-year-old man, went to stay at Relax Hill Resort. The man was diagnosed with COVID-19 on December 8.
According to the announcement, Relax Hill Resort will be suspended until December 24, 2020 and seven affected people (four women) will be isolated, tested and retested after 14 days.
Sen Monorom municipal authorities also announced that those who stayed at Relax Hill Resort in Mondulkiri from December 2 to 9 December must also isolate for 14 days and contact the MoH to arrange a test. SWIFT
EDIT: Unconfirmed, but Chompapich hotel in Kratie is reported to have also been closed after a confirmed case visited on December 1. 62 affected staff and contacts are reported to be isolating inside. EDIT: CONFIRMED